Interview: Only Boys Aloud

Interview: Only Boys Aloud

Glasswerk Meets Only Boys Aloud

Q: An alien lands on earth. He doesn’t really know much about bands/artists and that as he’s an alien, obviously. Aliens aren’t in bands. How would you describe you and your music to said alien?
It’s Contemporary, Its traditional; It’s a group of young men with one common Passion. Singing with love for the music and performance. Combining The idea of a traditional Male Voice Choir, something which has been integral to the history of Wales, and stemmed from the mining days. And the Modern day, Glee like Mash up, a very American influence. It is the Modern Welsh Male Voice Choir. …or just google it. (even aliens have Google)

Q: It’s 2012, the year of the dragon. What’s been your highlight of the year so far? It doesn’t have to be anything to do with dragons, but dragons are rad.
Dragons Are Rad! They’re wew coo! The Highlight of the Year for me has got to be the entire BGT experience, I know it’s cliché. But it was just awesome. Meeting the people we’ve met, and doing the things we’ve done, its been the best year of my life so far, I hope that many are to come. And how apt that it’s the year of the Dragon, being as Wales has done exceptionally well this year, with all of its endeavors.

Q: God calls you up, and he’s wanting to put on a show. Being God and all, he doesn’t really have time to choose bands, DJs or a venue. He’s put you in full control. Also – again, him being God and all – you can choose anyone alive or dead – he’s that good. Who’s playing and where? 

Ok…well firstly… how cool would that be! That’s proper evidence that he exists, I’m a millionaire!! Well the Venue would have to be on The moon, Naturally. On the List would be, Marilyn Monroe, Freddie Mercury. Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Michael Buble, Beatles, Hans Zimmer and the London Philharmonic. Jesus could do something from Jesus Christ Superstar (that would be cool!) there’s too many…..

Q: What’s your favourite childhood memory?

For me its more of a collection of memories. I’ll always remember having to wake up at 4oclock every morning when I was about 5years old to go down to the fields, and get all the milking cows back up to the yard, so that my dad could milk them. This was a brilliant experience, and I would love to go back to doing it someday.

Q: What were the first and last pieces of music that you bought? 

The first piece of music I bought, I think it was the soundtrack from Pirates of The Carribean, the Black Pearl. I love Film music, and the composer Hans Zimmer is my favourite. He literally writes everything!! And the last piece of music I bought was a song from The Album Shrek The Musical.

Q: What bands/artists are there around at the moment that people aren’t listening to enough? Any tips for future stardom?

Pentatonix is one of my favourite groups at the moment, they are an acapella group that focus on doing covers of popular songs, however they re-arragne them to make them brilliant and better than the originals. They are already big on youtube at the moment, and have an album out now, however they need to get bigger, and they will get bigger! Their most recent addition to their repertoire is Gangnam Style. Love that!

Q: What’s the rest of 2012 got in store for you? 

I like to live my life with one final goal in mind, however, I never usually plan more than a couple of months ahead, for me this makes life interesting, and keeps me on my toes. Obviously OBA will be a huge part of it, as its snowballing hugely now. But I would like to just enjoy Uni for the rest of the year. There are many exciting projects that me and a few of my course mates have started ourselves, including our own production of Would I Lie To you, the Quiz show. This project is run by us entirely. With a full crew and cast, and I’m directing. Which should be fun! And so I hope to keep bus as usual. As I hate being bored!!

Q: That alien from Q1 is back – he’s just got his mitts on a computer, and he wants to find out more about you. Where’s the best place he can go to find out more and what should he check out first?

There couldn’t possibly be a website that explains me.. So facebook me to arrange a coffee and you’ll find out all you need to know. Or alternatively, Follow me on Twitter (iorihaugen). Or just Google me if you want to be a true stalker.

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