Glasswerk meets: Joywride

Glasswerk meets: Joywride

With their soaring hooks and glam looks, Joywride are looking to redecorate the charts with a glamorous pop panache. We caught up with front man Ollie Wride to find out more about the new retro-pop superstars in the making and try get their bass player Poppy’s number for the Editor. Better luck next time.

Q: An alien lands on earth. He doesn’t really know much about bands/artists and that as he’s an alien, obviously. Aliens aren’t in bands. How would you describe you and your music to said alien?
I’m assuming the only reason why he has come to this part of the galactic neighbourhood (and this is just assumption) is because he heard the sound of our unique brand of Glamourous Pop Music emanating from his spaceship stereo. In which case Mr.Alien it is exactly that.

Q: It’s 2012, the year of the dragon. What’s been your highlight of the year so far? It doesn’t have to be anything to do with dragons, but dragons are rad.
It is indeed the year of the dragon, as it is my year! I would have to say recording Joywride’s debut album.

Q: God calls you up, and he’s wanting to put on a show. Being God and all, he doesn’t really have time to choose bands, DJs or a venue. He’s put you in full control. Also – again, him being God and all – you can choose anyone alive or dead – he’s that good. Who’s playing and where?
Freddie Mercury (Vox) Angus Young (Lead Guitar) Phil Lynott (Bass) Dave Grohl (Drums) Billy Joel (Keys). It would be interesting to say the least.

Q: What’s your favourite childhood memory?

Q: What were the first and last pieces of music that you bought?
As I recall it was Sting & The Police’s ‘Greatest Hits’ and the last record I bought was Mumford & Sons ‘Babel’

Q: What bands/artists are there around at the moment that people aren’t listening to enough? Any tips for future stardom?
Joywride obviously. I’m really into obscure electro disco and french house right now. Anoraak, Yuksek, Justice and a wonderful swedish artist called Sebastian.

Q: What’s the rest of 2012 got in store for you?
We have our debut EP touching down in November and will be widely available in early December. We’ll also squeezing special live appearances in before the year is out!

Q: That alien from Q1 is back – he’s just got his mitts on a computer, and he wants to find out more about you. Where’s the best place he can go to find out more and what should he check out first?
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