Rams Pocket Radio - Trajectories
Album Review

Rams Pocket Radio – Trajectories

After achieving success with three EPs, ‘Dieter Rams Has Got Pocket Radios’, ‘Dogs Run In Packs’ and ‘1+2’, Peter McCauley aka Rams Pocket Radio has decided to release them all as a special one off box set. Nicely packaged and containing 12 excellent tracks, this is a fine collection that gives a really good introduction to a talented musician.

Peter McCaulay started his musical life as a classical percussionist before playing in hardcore bands and eventually going solo. Mixing fine songwriting with multi-instrumental skills and a healthy dash of experimentation, he created Rams Pocket Radio. The stage name apparently refers to designer Dieter Rams who produced a device in the 1950s that looks much like an iPod.

The first EP opens with signature song Dieter Rams Has Got The Pocket Radio, a typically big, piano driven track, stylish and passionate. Of the other tracks the pick is Friendship Fails You, a slower track with an air of regret and loss. It is emotional and McCaulay’s vocals portray his words to perfection.

Dogs Run In Packs has a more strident tone in its title track, McCaulay’s voice here straining with passion. The love song You And Me Babe shows a more tender side, a charming track with soft electronic backing that develops into a piano ballad with a soft and subtle female harmony.

1+2 is perhaps my favourite track on this collection. A great guitar riff is added to the piano and the fast pace makes it a more anthemic song that most. It’s basically a fine pop song with a rock undertone. Swallow has some great keyboard work and an almost ambient feel to its electronic experimentation. And the closing Love Is A Bitter Thing is gentle and melancholy with its soft vocals over piano, another where loss and pain are clearly portrayed. And when the vocals soar there is a tenderness that is truly touching.

Peter McCauley is currently finishing off his debut album, which was recorded with David Kosten (Everything Everything, Bat For Lashes, Guillemots) for release in 2013. On the basis of the big, bold and well crafted songs he has created so far, that will be one to look forward to.

Venue: Trajectories
Support Band: Adventures In Gramophone

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