Richard Hawley Announces New Single & Tour Dates
Concert News

Richard Hawley Announces New Single & Tour Dates

Don’t Stare At The Sun will be released in February as the fourth and final single from Hawley’s remarkable seventh album, Standing At The Sky’s Edge.

The song is one of the more reflective tracks from the album, a keynote performance suffused with a sense of cosmic serenity. It covers a huge distance: a meditation that took inspiration from – on one hand – a woozy morning shared by young son and sleep-deprived father flying a kite in the park and – on the other – the fate that met Isaac Newton when he decided to stare into the sun. “He burnt the retinas in his eyes,” explains Hawley, “so that, from that moment on, everything he saw was gold.

Richard Hawley tours the UK in February:
FEB 2013
17 Buxton Opera House
18 Edinburgh Picturehouse
20 Bristol Colston Hall
21 Leamington Spa Assembly Hall
22 Cambridge Corn Exhange
23 London Troxy
25 Liverpool Philharmonic
26 Hull City Hall

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