Rescuer - With Time Comes Comfort
Album Review

Rescuer – With Time Comes Comfort

Rescuer returns to the hardcore scene with their ferocious debut full-length With Time Comes The Comfort, a record that has no doubt been eagerly anticipated by their fans. With influences of Envy, Modern Life Is War and the like, the hardcore outfit have been illustrated to produce a sound that separates them from the many other bands associated with the genre. Well there’s only one way to find out…

Opener “Breathe” reassures this without a doubt, a track that certainly brings a fresh new element into hardcore; although keeping in sync with what hardcore lovers would expect from the genre, Rescuer manage to venture out of the generic bracket. This continues with “Shame,” another track that highlights their distinction; full of emotive, raw vocals over captivatingly fierce riffs yet somehow delivering a distinct sound.
“Settled Ground” fires off rapid percussion in its opening seconds, slowing the pace slightly as the track progresses and then returning with impressively fast rhythms; despite being only a minute and a half in length the track is straight to the point and highly effective in its own right.

Another short but sweet offering is “Bring Me Back,” with Rescuer continuing their admirable streak with brutally fast riffs and percussion which fans would go crazy for when played live.
The vocals throughout the record suit the band’s sound to an absolute tee: perfectly executed roars that have deep felt emotion behind them accompany the unruly sound created by the other members. This could be said for any of the tracks but “Locked Inside” is a true example of this, particularly towards the end where the pace slows slightly and the vocal work is sufficiently abrupt.

Closing the record with ”Dead Ends,” Rescuer have really hit the nail on the head with this debut full-length and unlike most other tracks which deliver a sudden ending, this one fades out perhaps suggesting that this isn’t the end for the hardcore outfit. Rightly so, because to produce a record so solid and fresh as With Time Comes The Comfort, Rescuer should be confident that they will remain a part of the hardcore scene for the foreseeable future.

Venue: With Time Comes Comfort
Support Band: Rise Records

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