Metallers Protest The Hero Raise $200

Metallers Protest The Hero Raise $200,000 In A Week To Fund New Album

Canadian tech metallers Protest The Hero have today revealed that they have managed to raise $200,000 in a week towards the costs of their new album using fan funding site

The follow-up to 2011 album Scurrilous will be recorded using the funds raised through the site, which works in a similar way to kickstarter and pledgemusic.

We are finally free from all obligations and want to be in control of our ‘careers,’” says the band in a collective statement. “In general, the record industry is backwards and we’d be stupid to renegotiate with anyone at this time. Crowdfunding seems to be something that’s working. Whether or not this is the next thing for the music industry, it’s a way that supporters of a band can know exactly where their hard earned dollars are going. No middlemen, no commissions, no bullshit.

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