Introducing Tears For Annie

Introducing Tears For Annie

As well as music, Tears also makes art & installation pieces for exhibitions. Her work has been described as “Beautifully Vulgar”. This controversial edge makes Tears for Annie not simply a band, but a whole artistic expression.

‘Purple Heart’ represents the project’s first body of music, produced and Art directed by Tears, accompanied by a distinctive video that stretches perceptions via the bizarre and the haunting. Within this hazardous domain, there is warmth in the songwriting and dark humour in the imagery which will be revealed in a series releases shedding light on Tear’s distinctive vision.

‘You And Whose Army’ is the first track to be officially released to public ears. Whether you think it owes its heritage to Siouxsie or Kate Bush, this drip fed introduction to this artist will perhaps succeed in keeping you surprised.

What will be consistent is the project’s desire to keep the audience engaged. Stay in the loop with the links below:

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