Redundant HMV Staff Use Official Twitter Account To Vent Frustration

Redundant HMV Staff Use Official Twitter Account To Vent Frustration

It looks like the HMV debacle is showing no signs of slowing down as it appears disgruntled employees in the process of being fired have taken to the companies official Twitter account to vent their frustration.

Several Tweets were posted from the account at around 3.00pm on Thursday 31st claiming to be from employees experiencing an “Xfactor” firing, as a group of 60 staff were let go at once.

The Tweets read as follows:

“We’re Tweeting live from HR where we’re all being fired.”

“Over 60 of us at once! Mass execution of loyal employees who love the brand.”

“Sorry we’ve been quiet for so long. Under contract we’ve been unable to say a word, or – more importantly – tell the truth.”

“Just overheard our marketing director (he’s staying, folks) saying ‘How do I shut down Twitter?’”

The vitriolic outburst from the anonymous employee ended in the following humbling and thought provoking sentiment: “Under usual circumstances we’d never dare do such a thing as this, however, when the company you dearly love is being ruined and those hardworking individuals who wanted to make HMV great again have mostly been fired, there seemed no other choice. Especially since these accounts were set up by an intern (unpaid, technically illegal) two years ago. So really, what have we to lose? It’s been a pleasure folks! best wishes to you all!

The Tweets have since been deleted from the official page @HMVTweets

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