What do you get when you cross Ennio Morricone’s iconic ‘Ecstasy of Gold’ with 60’s Americana folk and Handsome Family’s dirge-pop hit ‘Weightless Again’?
You get our favourite track of the day from Martin Callingham, that’s what.
‘Portland Square’ is a beautiful number taken from the songwriter’s debut solo album ‘Tonight, We All Swim Free’ set for release on 16th February via Folkwit Records. It’s a cinematic, rousing and haunting effort that’s incredibly evocative – a dark, Dickensian ode that resonates with the sombre mood of an English winter spent in yearning.
The pièce-de-résistance has to be the spine-tingling finalé, as huge harmonies rise from the depths of a sparse skin-and-bones track to reach out and envelop the listener in a sinister crescendo.