Son of legendary lyricist and wordsmith Leonard Cohen, Adam Cohen is forging his own path around the music world, while still retaining that unmistakable family vibe. Have a watch of the video below to hear what I mean. Excellent stuff!
You can see him live in Manchester on Sunday 1st February at the lovely venue Gorilla, for an intimate show with his band; one of a very limited number of dates in the UK.
As we are nice people, we have two pairs of tickets up for grabs which you can win. There are TWO ways to enter:
Twitter – RT this article with the hashtag #WinAdamCohenTickets
Facebook – Share this article AND email us (you have to email us as otherwise we can’t check if you have shared the article)
So, GET. ON. IT.
“My last album was about me finally claiming my belonging to a tradition and finding my voice within that tradition. My new album,” Adam Cohen states, “is about me raising my voice.”