A Quick Chat With Simmer

A Quick Chat With Simmer

We caught up with Julius Schiazza, front man of Cheshire ambient punks Simmer, ahead of the release of their debut album ‘Paper Prisms’ on 29th February via Dog Knights Productions to find out more about the quartet.

When we first started playing music…
About two years ago. Me and our drummer (Gary) have always been in bands together, but it was the first time we decided to go elsewhere and actually record something worthwhile, which ended up being the ‘Your Tonal Mess’ EP.

If we had to choose a new name for the band it would be…
Something even more generic and meaningless like…Gap.

We knew we were on to something when…
We’re onto something? Why thank you! But seriously, I don’t know. My mum started crying a little when she first heard the LP. She’d previously walked out the room on other occasions.

Our biggest non-musical influences is…
Cherishing your friends company and travelling.

We’re most proud of…
Still being a band.

Something we haven’t achieved yet which we’d like to is…
To go to Europe or even the States, but we’re probably pushing it with the latter.

We’re not ashamed to admit that…
Me personally? I love Oasis still after all these years. Come at me.

If we could wave a magic wand and make anything in the world happen it would be…
I feel as if I’d be criticised if I didn’t say something that would significantly help the world., but saying something like that will only tarnish me as a cliché-ridden tosser so I don’t know. Something should be done about that Donald Trump bloke, he is nothing but poison.

Someone you might not have heard of that you should check out…
Here’s a small list: Leatherneck, Muskets, Water Canvas, Claw The Thin Ice, Barely, Broadbay, The New Tusk, Walleater, Birdskulls, Doctrines, Deja Vega, Restrict, Wallflower, Sadblood, Pet Grief (no music yet though), Like Home, Rain.

Paper Prisms is out later this month

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