Track of the Day: The So So Glos - Dancing Industry

Track of the Day: The So So Glos – Dancing Industry

The So So Glos have revealed the video for their new their new single ‘Dancing Industry’ set for release on 18th July, followed by new album ‘Kamikaze’ on September 9th through Votiv Music.

“Dancing Industry’ is a call to action,” states vocalist and bassist Levi Zara Aleksander “Calling kids of all ages, come out, come out wherever you are. Come from behind your screens, from out of the cupboard and onto the dance floor. Let’s take the humanity back and build a new army of empathic, peace seeking individuals. Let’s churn out this feeling in an assembly line like fashion. This ain’t a party we’re starting; it’s a movement that we’re blowing up.”

A feel-good slice of lo-fi punk that takes the best of The Clash and Ramones and gives them a millenial shot in the arm, the video is just as upbeat as the track, featuring a bunch of New York’s famous subway train dancers – W.A.F.F.L.E. Litefeet Crew NYC – and the band themselves.

Check it out here:

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