Romantics Anonymous Review

I’m a sucker for a love story and, with a name like Romantics Anonymous; this was always going to appeal to my girly, mushy side before I knew anymore about it. But it didn’t just hit all the right spots for me, my action loving, anti “girl” film boyfriend enjoyed it too.

The film tells the story of painfully shy Angelique, an incredibly accomplished chocolatier, who, accidently, lands a job as a sales rep for an ailing chocolate manufacturer. Drawn together by their passion for chocolate Angelique and Jean-Rene, the owner of the company, fall in love. However, their insecurities prevent them from expressing their true feelings to each other (Jean-Rene is also extremely socially anxious.)  

Although, there are some well-placed, laugh out loud moments that stop the film becoming too sickly sweet (pardon the pun). Plus, with the inclusion of “I Believe In Me” (complete with Julie Andrews dance routine) from The Sound Of Music to keep Angelique geed up to sell to the most obnoxious of chocolate shop owners, what is there not to like?

Running at a mere 80 minutes it feels like more time could have been given to the moments shared by the two protagonists as they feel a bit neglected at times. However, this is my only grievance with the film. If you’re after for a whimsical romantic comedy it definitely pays to look to the French and with the likes of Amelie, A Very Long Engagement and now Romantics Anonymous under their collective belt they are becoming the Kings of likable fluff.

Laura Johnson

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