VIDEO: The Suicide Of Western Culture - Love Your Friends

VIDEO: The Suicide Of Western Culture – Love Your Friends, Hate Politicians

The Suicide Of Western Culture is no longer a secretive duo. Their eponymous first album was named the best Spanish electronic music album by press, public and critics in 2010. Since then, they’ve been touring around half of the world and supported artists such as Animal Collective, Orbital, Cut Copy, Clark, etc. Now, it is time to strike back again.

Undoubtedly “Hope Only Brings Pain” means a step further in their musical career. They have even managed to improve their music, a sound very well linked to the “don’t waste it, use it” movement.

The first release and video from the record is “Love Your Friends, Hate Politicians”.

Album “Hope Only Brings Pain” is released in the UK on March 14th via Irregular.

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