Limitless Blu-ray Review

Limitless has enough originality about it to make it a bit more memorable that your usual thriller. Bradley Cooper plays a bit of a uninspired oaf who comes across a new drug that makes your brain see the world much more clearly – giving you the power to really excel in every task you take on both mentally and physically.

The film has an interesting contrast to that of the common place junkie requiring a fix demonstrating the withdrawl of the drag and the need for the next hit. But all too quickly the thriller aspect takes over and the situation his character finds himself in takes precedence over everything else. This concerns his business plans and the seedy individuals he reencounters along the way.

It’s an intriguing tale, but one that could have been exploited further in terms of its ideas. There are some nice visual flourishes to help demonstrate the power of the drug that fuels him ambitions. Robert DeNiro pops up in an extended cameo as well which can only make the picture all the more watchable.

The Blu-ray looks great and on a big screen the credits zooming sequence is quite the visual treat. The disc comes with a few regular extras and featurettes and there is a commentary as well for the sake of completion. Worth a gander if you want something that has a more original idea than what we are used to.

Steven Hurst

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