Perry Is Still Ill

Katy Perry said she was ill when she accepted her Brit award for Best International Female, and just to prove it, she went backstage and threw up before leaving the event. Let's hope she gets better soon, her UK tour starts on Sunday.

Writing on her blog, Perry said: “Oh my gawd. I'm am SO happy… I've won a Brit. That's like being knighted practically! Maybe even better. Thank you. Didn't expect THAT! … I can't tell you how bad I feel right now. Last night I was sweating it out but yeah, lets just say this kitty does not look so pretty right now. … I have the doctor on speed dial if the fever gets over 101/102. I thought I was invincible and then my body decides to show me other wise. I'm stuck in bed for the next couple of days as I should be”.

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