I have a confession to make…I'm in love with a 'widget'

Yes you did read that one correctly, the title of this article is about my love for a widget…

Now to be fair you may be confused, as initially I was. In my mind a widget was something to be found in a can of Boddingtons. However at some point between 1998-2008 widgets stopped appearing in beer cans and the word was hijacked by web-type people. You are more likely to find widgets these days on Myspace or Facebook! I'm not quite sure when this changed happened though…

Now that I have waffled enough about introducing my new found love, it may be best to introduce her to the world…

My new found love is for the widget which Amazon has developed for their MP3 store, which we now use on content pages on Glasswerk. It uses keywords to display MP3's relating to particular artist. Which you can then use to preview 30 second clips of the tracks.

If you haven't spotted it already, one should be on the right hand side of this page…

For example, as this is my blog I am taking this opportunity to include 'Metallica' as the keyword (you will just have to go with me here if you don't like Metallica…).

If everything works as nature intended then you should be able to preview some tracks, view the album covers or maybe click on the link to buy a track from Amazon.

To be honest I am more of an itunes fan, it just works better with my iPhone. But unfortunately they don't make one, so I will have to give Amazon MP3's a try!

Hope you think it is pretty cool too, let me know if you have any problems with the widget!

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