'Tonight: Franz Ferdinand' release date revealed

Franz Ferdinand have revealed the title, release date and track listing of their eagerly anticipated third album.

The album, to be called 'Tonight: Franz Ferdinand,' will be released on 26th January.

Talking about the album, Kapranos has said it is music of the night. “I can picture a marquee outside a theatre saying 'Tonight: Franz Ferdinand', there's a sense of anticipation. It's music for the dancefloor, your bedroom as you psyche yourself up to go out, a stranger's bedsit coming down an hour before dawn.”

The track listing will be:

'Turn It On'
'Kiss Me'
'Twilight Omens'
'Send Him Away'
'Live Alone'
'Bite Hard'
'What She Came For'
'Can't Stop Feeling'
'Lucid Dreams'
'Dream Again'
'Katherine Kiss Me'

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