The Paddy Orange Project has created a unique sound and vibe, combining different musical moods with clever, catchy lyrics. The outcome, depending on the track, could be described as a blend of dance and hip-hop, funk and chilled out rap amongst others! Patrick Orange hails from Sheffield and adds more clout to the city's growing reputation for producing the UK's best performers.

To really get an idea of the Project's true potential, Paddy needs to be seen in action.

“I try to bring an energy to my music and this comes across in my live performance. you could say its my forte! I feel at my best when I'm up on stage hitting the people with what I've got and what I love doing. People might jump to compare me with the Streets or Arctics but feel im bringin something new to the table, you only have to see it live to understand this. I feel the work is ever improving and I'd like to think I am thinking outside the box and always looking for original ideas. I know people in my sphere can relate to my music and that's what I'm trying to put across for them.”

And you can see for youself as Glasswerk present The Paddy Orange Project at the Purple Turtle, London on Thursday October 11. Don't miss out! To buy tickets from Glasswerk follow this link: link And if you can't wait until then you can catch him during August:

26 Aug 2007: Nylon: Bank Hol Sunday, Sheffield
31 Aug 2007: Rough Beats Festival, North Yorkshire

In June 2006 Paddy performed his first gig in Sheffield, supporting Sarah Jay Harley who wrote and sang on Massive Attack's Mezzanine album. People who had come to see the established singer were surprised when Paddy stole the show. Since June, Paddy has not looked back, gigging regularly in Sheffield to an ever-expanding fan base and travelling out of town for university gigs. Along with Paddy's local, loyal support, he has a acquired a substantial internet following. the three main players in the project are Paddy Orange – Lyric splitter; Sophie Bramley-West – The Voice; Minus Blue – The Beats. Try to pigeon hole them and the response is always one of eclectic taste:

“Nah Mate i'll listen to owt from Blur to the Beach Boys to Nirvana to Jay-z to Bob Marley to Damien Rice to Audio Bullys to NERD to The Kooks to The Streets to DJ Shadow to Talib Kwali to The Stone Roses to Jamie T to The Fratellis to The Beastie Boys to Oasis to Kate Bush to Gorillaz to Amy Winehouse to Arctic Monkeys to Roots Manuva.”

For more information and to listen to a multitude of Paddy Orange songs check out the link to their website: link

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