The Spinto Band – here to help

The Spinto Band, yep you've seen them; those funny American boys who just wanna make you dance.

If you've just missed them on their hugely successful tour of the UK, well more fool you. You missed out. But Glasswerk are here to help. Not only do we have the video for current single 'Oh Mandy', a tune that couldn't be more perfect for wallowing in your own self-pity to this summer, but we also have a video of their live performance of said song, so that those of you who missed them live can kick yourselves one more time at your poor organization and sorry luck.

'Oh Mandy' will be the soundtrack to your summer – the inevitable break ups and make ups of holiday romances, the late night summer discos where skinny jeaned boys and even skinnier jeaned girls will sheepishly shuffle their feet to this song in the hope of catching the eye of the other, and so on and so forth. So, take heed and take them under your wing, for the Spinto Band want to be your friend and help you through these painful summer months with an empathy that only a rock n roll band could muster.

Watch the live performance of 'Oh Mandy' here;


And the video here;

Ooh, and a download………

Download 'Japan Is An Island' for free here;

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