Leeds band feature on Virgin compilation

Virgin (in association with 'The band Agency') are to release a compilation cd of bands they think are going to be making big waves in the future festival scene. Run in association with The Band Agency, all profits will be ploughed back in to developing and nurturing new artists.

Artists include:

Amusement Parks on Fire, People in Planes, Metro Riots, Mohair, Vib Gyor, Fleeing New York, Crash Convention, Republic Of Loose, The Girls, Absent Kid, Amateur Guitar Anti Heroes, Casino, Breakmakers, Darren Plant, Degrassi, The Sound Explosion, Peace Burial At Sea, Steranko, Lazenby, Dustbins Bar Mitvah, The Fairies.

The CD costs just £5.99 and is available instore until the end of the week

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