We have already had the single “love etc.” which came across like a very 90’s sounding pet Shop Boys song. Heavy on electro synth, and Neil Tennant’s unchanged voice. That very same track opens the album, and everything that comes after follows suit.
There is far too much of a predilection to have cheesy dance beats in the background which does undermine the new material. It dates the album by at least 10 years. But then if it’s remaining true to form then the core audience won’t be complaining. Therein lays the argument. Do fans want to hear a Pet Shop Boys album that sounds like something very dated. Or will this be a piece of work that will mature and come back round into popular opinion. Their work from the 90’s is very affectionately looked on – but even in the early 90’s it was deemed old by the new material’s standard. Perhaps one day the 90’s feel will come back round and then albums like this will stand tall. By today’s standard right now however, it just sounds uninspired in the musical department.
Time will tell.