The Aussies are certainly having a good crack at the UK market this year and no doubt it’s part of a mission plan to sign us up ‘Moonie style’ in 2009. Having been enthralled by fellow antipodeans The Presets and with the success of Cut Copy, Tame Impala are certainly trying hard to ride off the current wave of acts from ‘down under’.
So I am landed with a 5 track EP that is somewhat different to the stuff that Modular normally put out. It’s like listening to a hangover from Woodstock at times and has a feel of being the result of too many mind-bending drugs. ‘Skeleton Tiger’ is the lead track here and the sound is the first thing that smacks you in the chops – sounding like it’s been recorded underwater the clarity is somewhat irritating. It then descends into all things prog and drifts off into a noodle fest that is positively yawning.
‘Half full Glass of Wine’ is driven along by a bass riff that holds the whole song together while some spiky 60’s guitar tries to detract from the mundane and non descript lyrics.
’41 mosquitoes flying in formation’ is even more drippy and dreamy. It just struggles to hold my gaze and really chugs and plods along with nowt to offer.
A disappointing EP that is frankly boring, nice artwork though!