Crystal Castles - Vanished
Album Review

Crystal Castles – Vanished

For a band who can make music sound both fresh and retro at the same time, new single ‘Vanished’ from Crystal Castles is relatively tame to what fans are used to hearing. But this isn’t meant as a criticism.

It is difficult not to get excited by this band; with their computer beep sounds, distorted vocals and supposedly temperamental live performances, they are bound to cause some controversy and we like to be taken along for the ride.

This track has been trimmed to three minutes for the single release, but it is the album version that gives a better representation of the track. A combination of electro noise and a set of vocals that don’t sound like words, simply another instrument, allow you an insight into the world of Crystal Castles. Some won’t dare to enter, but for those brave enough, you are sure to be in for a treat. The sound is fresh, but dirty. This could be the track the band has been looking for to gain the extra fans they deserve.

It tries hard to sound different, and there is an inkling of style over substance. However, the band’s strength comes from their determination to mix musical genres, and so style will sometimes prevail.

Here’s hoping their album is full of challenging music that sounds out of place on your MP3 player, just because it sounds so different.

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