Sebastian Bach – Angel Down

Sebastian Bach sounds like a name that music was made for. Composer, Eliquant, Piano trained, Nope! Sorry this Sebatian Bach is the former Skid Row frontman – And the word former is probably what should be applied to any skills he may have had at his command. He now looks like he spends far too much time putting blonde streaks in his hair to detract from the wrinkles that he does on his music.

Oh yeah the album! Yeah, I don’t know how many under-18’s we get on this site reading what we write; but I supposed I had better assume that there are a lot (who probably wouldn’t be interested in this anyway). So I’ll be nice and say this album probably isn’t going to rock your world or anyones near you in any hurry.

There is impressive sound production on this album that wil make you think you were listening to it live. And maybe that’s the thrill that most fans will get out of it. But other than that it is a total throw back to an era when he probably was on top. It is funny how rock and even sleaze rock never seems to want to grow up or even evolve into anything useful. So motor heads will get a real kick out of it and I dare say the OAP tour he’s probably due to go on. I don’t mind being derogatory about it all as I did grow up close to this era so have an appreciation for it. Just not when it refuses to go away when it really really really should!

For all those out there really offended by this claim can take solace in the joyful news that each shiny new disc in the UK comes with Exclusive DVD material! 5 tracks and even 45 minutes of OAP tour material! Hurray! The rest of you – Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

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