Album Review

Annie Dressner – I Thought It Would Be Easier

I thought It Would Be Easier is the fourth album from Annie Dressner. the New York born folk singer who now calls Cambridge home. The album shows off Dressner’s lyrical folk-pop music in ten tracks that convey a wide range of emotions as she bares her soul through her lyrics.

Musically, the album is varied. An acoustic guitar is the base of the sound, with synthesiser and electric guitar adding a little extra on some tracks. The lyrics seem simple but often open themselves to different meanings. At times Dressner almost seems to have too much to say, her words rushing out in a torrent of feelings.

The opening Black And White talks of relationships in a general sense, commenting wryly on their complexity and seemingly seeking something simpler. I Just Realized is full of grief, written following the death of Dressner’s mother. Opening with a solemn synth tone, the pace is slower here and the tone understandably a little more sombre.

Big Grey Couch is a standout track, a perfect night seeing Springsteen at Madison Square Garden ruined by an undefined act that just cannot be forgiven. The guitar solo is well done and gives this track a slightly harder edge that the rest of the album. Lead single Dance We Do is also very good, telling of a possible relationship that may or may not happen. The driving beat is strong but there isn’t quite a resolution to the situation. And past single 18 Years in contrast has a sadness over a let down that took much too long to get over.

The upbeat Lofted Houses is also very good, an ode to a close friendship. In contrast After The Storm is deeply emotional, telling of coming through hard times. This is perhaps the most folky song on the album, just vocals over acoustic guitar, and it works very well.

Annie Dressner has a bright sound that suits her expressive voice. Her songs are well crafted, full of emotion and introspection without every becoming self-pitying. I Thought It Would Be Easier is a feeling we can all relate to, as are many of the songs on this fine album.

Label: Dharma Records

Release date: 5 April 2024

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